Siberian Cats are kind in nature, intelligent and love to be near you. -Dede

About Us

Why name my cattery Deedlebugs?  As a child I was affectionately called Deedle Dumplin’ by my parents.  My best friends mother, Addie, always called me Deeds.  When Addie passed away, she lovingly remembered me with a gift of money.  I used this to purchase my first Siberians.  For me, my cats are a gift from a second mother that loved me unconditionally.  My kittens are my little Love-Bugs!

My goal is to breed low allergen Siberian kittens with loving personalities.  Our cats and kittens are raised in our home as family pets.  Being allowed to help someone welcome a pet into their life is for me both a privilege and quite gratifying.  I owe a great deal of thanks to my kitten buyers.  I am grateful for the friendships that have developed between many of them and myself.

Marv and I enjoy our horses, gardening, cooking together and spending time outdoors.  Marvin is a carpenter, building cabinets, furniture and homes.  I, Dede, am an artist.  While I have enjoyed many years in the creative field, both painting and in gift development, I now enjoy sharing my art studio with my kittens while I draw and paint.  Marv and I are the parents of four grown sons.  We are now enjoying the blessings that grand parenting brings.

Honesty and integrity are most important to me as a person. -Dede